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Getting a valuation with us couldn't be easier.

Simply enter your details and tell us a little bit about your property, such as the address, property type and whether you are interested in selling or letting your property. One of our experts will be in contact as soon as possible to arrange your valuation.

Our Services

At Property Station we offer a full range of services to help you rent your property. Whether you are a landlord or tenant we can provide a tailored service to suit you.

Tenants Information

Are you looking to rent a property in London? Check out our available properties or speak with one of our specialists team to discuss how we can help you find a property.

Landlords Information

Property Station understand that each property owner will have different requirements. Speak with one of our specialists to discuss how we can help you let your property.


Speak with one of our property professionals about a free property valuation. We can give you expert advice and guidance on how to achieve the best rental value for your property.